Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Good Book

No, I'm not talking about the Bible. Books are an essential part of my life. I've been an avid reader since I was a child, but as of late, I find it hard to read anything beyond Dora and the Unicorn King. I've decided that reading should become a real part of my life again, simply because it is such an escape and it really is something that relaxes me. The last book I truly read was Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Toilken. It is now my favorite book, and not for all the obvious reasons. Yes, the movies were great, they were really fantastic, and there was a lot of hard work put into them. There is just something about the writing of this book that intrigues me. It amazes me that Toilken actually created his own languages and histories, and essentially an entirely new universe. It was such a great concept, to create a place that was completely foreign to everyone else, so that in his world, anything he wanted to be possible was possible. I got in to wanting to read this book because a friend of mine presented me with The Silmarillion, which is basically the Bible of Toilken's universe. This book was truly his life's work, and is all of the history and legends of the creation of his world. I made it through 6 chapters and stopped, because it's just a lot of information to take in at once. I was told that I would better understand it if I read The Lord of the Rings first. I still haven't finished it because it's hard to find the time, and it takes complete concetration and silence to absorb.
At any rate, beyond Toilken, there are a million other books out there, and I plan to read a good bit of them. So, every once in a while you may see that I share something I'm reading. I do want to share a few of my favorite books with you, and I reccomend all of them.
Diary by Chuck Palahnuik
This story is so strange and interesting. I think just about everyone has seen Fight Club, so we all know exactly how weird Palahnuik can be. You'd really have to pick the book up and read it to understand the story, but it ends up being funny, yet sick and twisted all the same. The things they do to this girl are just so messed up. I read it a few years ago,and I don't remember some of the things that happen, but it still makes the list as one of my favorite books.
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Alright, so maybe you saw the movie, but really it's nothing like the book. Sure, it has the same basic story, a woman whose life stays constant in time, and her love for a man who can't seem to stay in the here and now. I reread this book recently, and it's the only book I've ever reread. It's that good! It's so intense, and the movie really leaves out all of the truly dark things that make this book whole. There's this certain blackness to it, between suicide, death, and the amputation of two very important feet, it's not the typical fairytale love story.
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Toilken
Yes, another book that's a movie, and one that everyone seriously knows. Fantastic. I just really love fantasy, and this book has way more to offer than the movies did. If you get the right copy, you even get a short lesson on how to write elvish! There are also some things that were left out of the movies that were in the book. They were only left out because of time, because if they had put everything in the movies that was in the books, the movies would've been 5 hours each I think. If you do read it, get a copy that is one volume, because that's the way it was orginally written. Also try to find one that's edited by Christopher Toilken, because that version has everything in it, meaning that the whole story is there, nothing left out.
Last, but not least, Her Fearful Symetry by Audry Niffenegger
I won't lie, I didn't actually read this book. I listened to it on CD because it was like being able to read in the car! I was exuberant about this! I drive a lot. When I say a lot, I mean sometimes 1,200 miles in a week (yes, this is accurate, I counted), so it was only a matter of time before I started getting into audio books. This book is also very strange. It's about mirror twins, meaning they look alike, but their features (such as moles, freckles, and even their hearts) are mirrored. In other words, one twin's heart is normal, while the other's is on the wrong side of her body. The twins' aunt dies, and they move to her home and discover that she is still haunting it. It's really something you'd have to read for yourself. I would recommend the audio book!
Well, those are some favorites, and I will share what I'm reading when I'm reading. What are you reading? What are some of your favorite books of all time, and why did they stick with you? Comments and messages are always welcome!

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